2017. hundred / сто


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24 – 29 April 2017


hundred / сто
Created twenty years ago, revived ten years ago, the festival for live art – Sofia Underground in 2017 is focusing on the topic of time. Time as force, as a factor, or as a problem, but mainly as a question of personal, social or artistic matter, and abstraction.

As before, in April 2017 the festival’s program was organized from top to bottom in three parts:
Higher Ground – educational part – a post- theoretic conference focused on contemporary forms of public art. We accept suggestions for lectures, workshops, artist talks, project presentations and all forms of cultural exchange.
Overground – exhibition part – a selection of contemporary Bulgarian authors from private collections will focus on the alternative forms of consumption and creation and their value for the development of the scene in the country.
Underground – performance part – traditionally a long run happening around and underneath the National Palace of Culture, but also in public spaces in the city of Sofia, accompanied by a public screening program of video works, documentaries and art films and a party.


Sofia Underground Performance Art Festival is organized by eXAF.org and Studio Dauhaus, in partnership with National Palace of Culture, Dom na Kinoto and CUSH.bar, Austrain Embassy in Bulgaria, Polish Cultural Institute, Cultural Centre of Sofia University, Arosita Gallery, club HUNT, and with the support of  “Gaudez B. Ruf” Award, Pro Helvetia, Goethe-institut Sofia, TimeHeroes, Atelie Plastelin, Hangar (Barcelona), Adam Mickiewicz Institute (Poland), and also Harmonica, Dream House, kashon.bg.